Frankenstein, a magnificent novel written by Mary Shelley, was able to catch a reader's attention in an instance. Taking place in England the story of a scientist gone mad and the monstrous creature he created. Just the first few pages will let you see what the Shelley wants to get across, keeping you in touch with everything that went on in the life of Victor Frankenstein, which helps realize how far a human may go with science before it all goes wrong.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Scholarly Article Response

This article has opened my eyes to a whole new perspective about the novel. Before reading this article, I saw it as a story in which we were told about Victor's life and the invention of his monster, but it seems to be much much more than just that. The novel could also be compared as a story in which Mary Shelley had the opportunity to share her life story and let out all the feelings she has inside of her. Mary Shelley lost her mother and never let go of the grief she felt, which is exactly what happened to Victor and the development of his horrible monster. The article helped me understand many of the reasons why Frankenstein did some of the things he did and it also helped me visualize the terrible feelings Victor had after losing his mother.