Frankenstein, a magnificent novel written by Mary Shelley, was able to catch a reader's attention in an instance. Taking place in England the story of a scientist gone mad and the monstrous creature he created. Just the first few pages will let you see what the Shelley wants to get across, keeping you in touch with everything that went on in the life of Victor Frankenstein, which helps realize how far a human may go with science before it all goes wrong.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stranger Danger

When going to a new place and meeting new people the most common thing to think about is nice and friendly people. In Frankenstein on the other hand, was different. Victor encountered strangers that were awfully rude to him and his reaction was surprising. I have had an experience like such pretty often, I work in sales so its no big surprise that everyone is going to be friendly and nice. My way to deal with it is simple, I just don't care much about it and if they keep on acting the same, then I may ask why they're treating me the way they are. Like Victor, I take it calmly and try to figure out why they're acting the way they are. If i can do something about, I will, But if i can't, then my best choice is to at least offer my help. 

Privacy or Company?

In chapter 19 it was said that Victor often found company was irksome. I can relate to this comment made because I personally don't like being around too many people. Yes, having someone to talk to and next to you is fun at times, but everything gets old. I've learned from my mom that there is no real friends, at the end the only ones there for you will be your family, which is why i don't like wasting my time with people that aren't going to bring me any success. Having company can also bring problems. If your company has problems and they talk to you about it, you may also get stressed by the feelings and mood they are transmitting. Company is good, but too much can cause damage in one way or another.

Peace and Nature

"I passed whole days on the lake alone in a little boat, watching the clouds and listening to the rippling of the waves, silent, and listless."

This quote in particular caught my attention right away. It reminded me of what i do when I have too many things in my head or when I need my time off. Although it doesn't always work, I try to rely on nature and time alone to 'meditate' and think about life and how i can make it better. I usually do this at least once a month and enjoy it very much, it gives me confidence, peace, and cheer to my heart.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Strong Character

Victor is described as having a strong character, it is said "[His] temper was sometimes violent, and [his] passions vehement." By this quote it was easy to see that Victor wasn't the type that would try something and leave it soon, he was passionate for what he did and would not leave it until he was completely done with it. He was interested in learning and would stick to it until he would learn every aspect of it. From this quote you could come up with the conclusion that he would be very intelligent and would come up with something big.

A Promised Gift (Foreshadow)

"And when, on the morrow, she presented Elizabeth to me as her promised gift... mine to protect, love, and cherish."

This quote presented in chapter one introduced as new character, Elizabeth. She was presented a Victor's gift and described as the person he would care about the most, we could almost say she was his and he would mold her and care for her on his way. He talked about protecting her and loving her till death. This quote was used to foreshadow what was soon to come and the effect it would have on Victor.