Frankenstein, a magnificent novel written by Mary Shelley, was able to catch a reader's attention in an instance. Taking place in England the story of a scientist gone mad and the monstrous creature he created. Just the first few pages will let you see what the Shelley wants to get across, keeping you in touch with everything that went on in the life of Victor Frankenstein, which helps realize how far a human may go with science before it all goes wrong.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Strong Character

Victor is described as having a strong character, it is said "[His] temper was sometimes violent, and [his] passions vehement." By this quote it was easy to see that Victor wasn't the type that would try something and leave it soon, he was passionate for what he did and would not leave it until he was completely done with it. He was interested in learning and would stick to it until he would learn every aspect of it. From this quote you could come up with the conclusion that he would be very intelligent and would come up with something big.

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