Frankenstein, a magnificent novel written by Mary Shelley, was able to catch a reader's attention in an instance. Taking place in England the story of a scientist gone mad and the monstrous creature he created. Just the first few pages will let you see what the Shelley wants to get across, keeping you in touch with everything that went on in the life of Victor Frankenstein, which helps realize how far a human may go with science before it all goes wrong.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Peace and Nature

"I passed whole days on the lake alone in a little boat, watching the clouds and listening to the rippling of the waves, silent, and listless."

This quote in particular caught my attention right away. It reminded me of what i do when I have too many things in my head or when I need my time off. Although it doesn't always work, I try to rely on nature and time alone to 'meditate' and think about life and how i can make it better. I usually do this at least once a month and enjoy it very much, it gives me confidence, peace, and cheer to my heart.

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